Street Art Photo to a T-Shirt Shopify Store with No Inventory

Dear Mural Artist friend,


Transform Your Murals into Wearable Art


Hey there, talented mural artist! 🎨 I’ve got an exciting opportunity for us. You know those incredible murals you create on walls? Well, imagine turning them into wearable art—stylish T-shirts that people will love to wear! Here’s how we can make it happen:

  1. Your Masterpieces: You keep doing what you do best—painting those stunning murals. Each one is a unique work of art, and people admire them all over town. 🌆

  2. Online Store Magic: Now, picture this: We set up an online store together. It’s like a gallery for your murals, but with a twist. Instead of hanging them on walls, we’ll showcase them on T-shirts! 🖼️👕

  3. Print-on-Demand: When someone falls in love with your mural and wants it on a T-shirt, we’ve got a cool trick up our sleeves. We use a special machine that prints your mural directly onto the fabric. No need to keep stacks of inventory—we create each T-shirt as orders come in! 🚀

  4. Global Reach: Our online store isn’t limited to our neighborhood. It’s accessible to people worldwide. Imagine someone in Tokyo or Paris wearing your mural design—it’s like your art is traveling the globe! 🌎✨

  5. Marketing Magic: We’ll spread the word through social media, art communities, and influencers. People who appreciate creativity and unique designs will flock to our store. 📣

  6. Collaboration: As our business partner, you’ll earn a share of the profits from each T-shirt sale. Plus, we’ll collaborate on new designs, seasonal collections, and limited editions. It’s a win-win! 💰

Remember, this isn’t just about T-shirts; it’s about sharing your art with the world in a whole new way. Let’s turn your murals into wearable masterpieces! 🎉

Feel free to ask any questions or share your thoughts. I’m excited to embark on this creative journey together! 🌟

Workflow Process and Scenario:

  • Take a photo of the street mural art in high resolution.
  • In my case, I needed to use AI Tool: because my photos needed to be upscaled.
  • After upscaling to the max resolution, I went to to increase the dpi to 300.
  • Then, for AI touch ups I went to try:
  • Now that my designs are ready, then I can sell via Shopify: 

For my case, I have a muralist partner in this endeavor so we can start selecting from his over 1,000 murals painted in many cities all over the world, but mostly in the Philippines.



Marketing will be via Social Media and mainly targeting Filipinos that have roots in a town or city where a mural of our artist exists. The business will derive profit, however, there will be a social aspect where a part of the profit will be donated to a social cause within the community. The focus will be for funding direct environmental projects or via a local based sustainable business model that indirectly benefits the environmental project they support.



For example, the artist has several murals in the town of Calatagan, Batangas. The artist can select a which mural art work to use for a T-shirt design. That mural will be digitized and prepared for upload to Shopify. A caption below the art can read as, “I Love Nature, I Love Calatagan.” We can use a heart image and can be in two lines. The T-shirt can be positioned as a tourist keepsake and as a hometown pride T-shirt for people who consider Calatagan as their hometown.



The physical artwork selected will be tagged with a Social QR Code so people can post and share their pictures. The art work will have a Social Page mash-up in where tagged social shares can be part of a collage that will read I Love Calatagan. Locally, we can have T-shirts printed as well that tourists can buy from our social circle.



For example, our artist is an environmental activist and is a friend to a local environmental care taker of the mangrove forest. The friend operates a tourism business of floating homes and accommodations. The sales proceeds can be funneled to support the mangrove forest and other local endeavors. 



Also, we can put the art work as NFT in the website so that the art work can be used as a fund raiser for the social causes.