The How and Why? Aggregating Reviews of Filipino Restaurants in the USA

The HOW?

Here’s how I can help you with aggregating the top Filipino restaurants for cities with high Fil-Am populations:

1. Identifying Cities:

  • We can start by finding cities with high Fil-Am populations. Resources like the US Census Bureau or Asian American demographic reports can be helpful. Here are a few examples to get us started:

    • San Francisco, CA
    • Los Angeles, CA
    • San Diego, CA
    • Seattle, WA
    • Chicago, IL
    • Waipahu, HI (though not a large city, it has a high concentration of Filipinos)

2. Researching Top Restaurants:

Once we have a list of cities, we can research the top Filipino restaurants in each location. Here are some strategies:

  • Online Review Platforms: Look for platforms like Yelp, Google Maps, and Zomato. Filter by cuisine (Filipino) and sort by ratings and reviews.
  • Local Publications & Blogs: Many cities have local publications or blogs that focus on food and restaurants. Search for “best Filipino restaurants” in each city and see what recommendations come up.
  • Filipino Community Websites & Forums: Filipino community websites and forums often have discussions or recommendations for the best Filipino restaurants.

3. Compiling Information:

As you gather information on top Filipino restaurants, compile it into a list format for each city. Here are some details to include:

* Restaurant Name
* City
* Star Rating & Number of Reviews
* Cuisine (e.g. Home-style Filipino, Filipino Fusion)
* Must-Try Dishes (up to 5)
* Brief Description of Vibe (Casual, Upscale, etc.)
* Website or Social Media Link (if available)
* Price Range (Budget-friendly, Moderate, etc.)

4. Additional Tips:

* Consider including a brief overview of the Filipino food scene in each city. 
* Note any interesting trends you find in the types of Filipino cuisine offered in different cities. 
* You can also categorize restaurants based on specific criteria like "Best for Casual Dining" or "Best for Special Occasions."

By following these steps, you can create a valuable resource for anyone looking for the best Filipino restaurants in cities with high Fil-Am populations.

The WHY?

Ever since I got here way back in 1995, I have always thought about getting Filipino food intro the mainstream. I am no chef or restaurateur. Just an average Filipino who loves the food so much that I can’t help but wonder why in almost 30 years of me being here in this country, it’s like nothing much has changed. 

I have worked in the food industry like most immigrants. My first here in the USA was in Burger King in Glendale, CA, however, I got my very first taste of fast food working for Jollibee in Star Mall (Manuela before), Mandaluyong. Then, I worked for Ihaw Pinoy in Eagle Rock in Los Angeles. My last food job was in Panda Express in Lake Forest where I did not last for a month as a Kitchen Helper because I am not that tough of a worker and my body just got sick with joint pains in my elbows and fingers, even down to my knees. 

Jollibee is the most successful Filipino food business and can be compared to Panda Express. Even with a complex menu, they got it down to a system. Another contender is Max’s Restaurant, though the execution may not be as pristine as Jollibee’s. 

As a Filipino-American who grew up in the Philippines up to the old age of 20 before coming to America, I favor Filipino food because I can cook most of its dishes and I think that if it will open more doors of opportunities if it goes mainstream. I get hurt when Filipino food gets misrepresented or when the quality gets diminished by a few restaurants. It is such a shame that we are in the USA and some Filipino restaurants would cut the ingredients thereby reducing the quality.

I think that more exposure to the palette of the American mainstream may increase the growth of tourism in the Philippines. I visit the Philippines often and have interacted with American tourists. They just don’t know much about Filipino food that’s why they end up eating at trusted fast food brands that come from America like KFC, McDonalds, Burger King, etc.


Here is an excerpt of Google Gemini’s response…

Absolutely! Filipino food is an explosion of flavors and textures, waiting to be discovered by a wider audience. Here are some additional thoughts on promoting Filipino cuisine:

  • Highlight the Diversity: Filipino food offers a vast culinary landscape. From classic dishes like adobo and kare-kare to regional specialties and modern takes, there’s something for everyone. Emphasize this variety to pique interest.
  • Focus on Freshness and Local Ingredients: Filipino cuisine features fresh seafood, vegetables, and vibrant spices. Showcase the use of local ingredients and the connection to Filipino culture.
  • Target Specific Palates: Not everyone enjoys intense flavors. Promote dishes with milder profiles or dishes with familiar ingredients with a Filipino twist. Lumpia (spring rolls) or pancit (stir-fried noodles) can be great entry points.
  • Embrace Street Food: Filipino street food is a vibrant and delicious scene. Highlighting these options can showcase the accessibility and casual nature of Filipino food.
  • Utilize Food Media and Influencers: Partner with food bloggers, YouTubers, and social media influencers to create engaging content around Filipino food. Showcasing the preparation and enjoyment of the cuisine can be very effective.

By showcasing the deliciousness, diversity, and cultural significance of Filipino food, you can definitely open doors for mainstream America to experience and appreciate it!

QUESTION: Could there a connection between Filipino food popularity to tourism popularity of the Philippines?

GEMINI answer:

You’re absolutely right! There’s a strong connection between the popularity of a country’s cuisine and its tourism. Here’s why Filipino food’s growing presence in the US could positively impact tourism in the Philippines:

  • Increased Awareness: As Filipino food becomes more mainstream in the US, Americans will become more familiar with Filipino culture and flavors. This can spark curiosity and a desire to experience those flavors firsthand in the Philippines.
  • Positive Associations: If Americans enjoy Filipino food in the US, they’ll likely associate the Philippines with delicious and satisfying meals. This positive association can influence their travel decisions.
  • Destination Image: A thriving Filipino food scene in the US can help enhance the Philippines’ image as a vibrant and exciting culinary destination. This can attract adventurous foodies interested in unique flavors and authentic experiences.
  • Familiarity Breeds Comfort: Exposure to Filipino food can make the Philippines seem less foreign and more approachable for American tourists. Trying familiar dishes while traveling can be comforting and add another layer of enjoyment to the trip.

Examples of this effect can be seen with other Asian cuisines:

  • Thai Food: The explosion of Thai food in the US in the past few decades definitely contributed to a rise in tourism to Thailand. People who enjoyed Thai curries and noodles in their local restaurants were more likely to consider a trip to Thailand to experience the cuisine in its birthplace.
  • Vietnamese Food: The popularity of pho (noodle soup) and fresh spring rolls in the US has helped put Vietnam on the map for many American tourists. The growing familiarity with Vietnamese cuisine makes the country a more attractive travel destination.

While the impact of Filipino food on Philippine tourism can’t be definitively quantified, it’s a clear trend with strong potential. Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Media exposure: Featuring Filipino food and travel experiences in mainstream media and travel shows can further amplify the positive connection.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Philippine tourism authorities can leverage the rise of Filipino food in the US by creating targeted marketing campaigns highlighting the culinary scene in the Philippines.

By working together, Filipino restaurants in the US and the Philippine tourism industry can create a powerful synergy that benefits both. As the popularity of Filipino food continues to grow, we might just see a surge in American tourists eager to experience the Philippines and its incredible cuisine in all its glory.


Food is part of culture and Filipino food has to be uplifted. I hope that this information gathering effort will help produce insights and ideas as the food industry gets disrupted by AI, automation, data transformation, and robotics. Also, micro and macro economic forces are at play that I think will affect the longevity of Filipino restaurants in general. Food delivery apps simply magnified the convenience factor that helped fast food businesses during the pandemic and even up to now, these turn-key operations continue to adapt.

The second reason is I want to preserve the great taste of the Filipino cooking tradition. There are many hidden gems out there with Filipino chefs and cooks that know how to cook the dishes to perfection. Aside from that, there are moms, dads, and even lolas (grandmas) and lolos (grandpas) who are great cooks at home but they are truly the hidden gems of the Filipino cooking communities all over the country. I believe that great food recipes have to be passed on. Which is why YouTube and the social media apps  are a great benefit in keeping the cooking tradition.

While I have some free time, I will keep at it and see what’s next for Filipino food. 🙂