Filipino Food Trends Based on Google Map Reviews

We compiled information about popular Filipino restaurant dishes in various cities across the United States. The data is presented in columns for different cities, with dishes listed along with their frequency count. The analysis was assisted by Claude AI.



To start the analysis, I’ll provide an overview of what I see, and then we can dive deeper into specific aspects :



1. Cities covered: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Chicago, New York, and Las Vegas.

2. Data structure: Each city has a list of dishes with associated frequency counts.

3. Common dishes: Some dishes appear frequently across multiple cities, such as:

   – Pancit

   – Lumpia

   – Halo-halo

   – Adobo

   – Sisig

   – Pork (in various forms)

   – Garlic rice

4. City-specific trends: Each city seems to have some unique popular dishes or variations.

5. Diverse range: The data shows a mix of traditional Filipino dishes, fusion items, and some non-Filipino dishes that are popular in these restaurants.



Comparing the Popularity of Adobo, Lumpia, Sisig, Kare-Kare, and Pancit Across the 6 Cities




1. Lumpia appears to be the most consistently popular dish across all cities, with high counts in each location. It’s particularly popular in San Francisco and Chicago.


2. Pancit shows high popularity in Las Vegas, Chicago, and San Diego, but is less frequently mentioned in New York.


3. Adobo has moderate popularity across all cities, with San Francisco showing the highest count.


4. Sisig is most popular in San Francisco, followed by New York and Los Angeles. It’s less frequently mentioned in Chicago.


5. Kare Kare shows variability in popularity. It’s most popular in San Francisco and Los Angeles, but doesn’t appear in the top list for San Diego.


6. San Francisco generally shows high counts for most of these dishes, suggesting it might have a particularly vibrant Filipino food scene.


7. New York shows lower counts for some dishes like pancit and kare kare, which could indicate different preferences or a smaller Filipino food scene compared to other cities.


8. Las Vegas shows strong preference for pancit but lower counts for sisig and adobo.



This comparison gives us a general idea of the relative popularity of these dishes across different U.S. cities. It’s important to note that these counts might be influenced by factors such as the number of Filipino restaurants in each city, local preferences, or even how the data was collected.



– Los Angeles: 43

– San Diego: 29 (pork adobo: 28, chicken adobo: 12)

– San Francisco: 50

– Chicago: 25

– New York: 19

– Las Vegas: 17


– Los Angeles: 38

– San Diego: 72

– San Francisco: 151

– Chicago: 99

– New York: 48

– Las Vegas: 65


– Los Angeles: 45

– San Diego: 33

– San Francisco: 73

– Chicago: 9

– New York: 47

– Las Vegas: 17

Kare Kare:

– Los Angeles: 61

– San Diego: Not in top list

– San Francisco: 76

– Chicago: 42

– New York: 17

– Las Vegas: 43


– Los Angeles: 69

– San Diego: 81

– San Francisco: 41

– Chicago: 84

– New York: 13

– Las Vegas: 122

Let us interpret the frequency of dish mentions in Google reviews as an indicator of how well these restaurants prepare these dishes. This perspective adds depth to our analysis. Let’s consider this interpretation:


1. Quality of preparation: The frequent mentions likely indicate that these dishes are not just popular, but also well-executed at these restaurants. Customers are more likely to mention dishes they enjoyed in their reviews.


2. Restaurant specialties: The high-frequency dishes might be specialties of the top-rated restaurants in each city. For example, the high count for pancit in Las Vegas (122) could suggest that several highly-rated Filipino restaurants there are known for their excellent pancit.


3. Regional preferences and expertise: The variation in dish popularity across cities might reflect not just customer preferences, but also where chefs and restaurants have developed particular expertise. For instance, San Francisco’s high counts across multiple dishes suggest a robust and skilled Filipino culinary scene.


4. Culinary trends: The popularity of certain dishes might indicate successful fusion or modern interpretations that resonate well with diners. This could explain why some non-traditional items appear in the lists.


5. Consistency across restaurants: For dishes that are popular across multiple cities (like lumpia), this could indicate that Filipino restaurants generally do a good job with these dishes, making them reliable choices for diners.


6. Signature dishes: In cases where a dish is significantly more popular in one city than others (like pancit in Las Vegas), it might point to a few

restaurants that have made this dish their signature, executing it exceptionally well.


7. Customer expectations: The frequency might also reflect what customers expect and order most often at Filipino restaurants, creating a cycle where restaurants focus on perfecting these dishes.



This interpretation adds valuable context to our analysis. It suggests that this data isn’t just about popularity, but also about culinary quality and restaurant specialization in different cities. It paints a picture of where diners might go to find particularly well-prepared versions of specific Filipino dishes.

Focusing on a Dish: Kare-Kare

Kare-kare is indeed a complex dish that requires skill to prepare well and uses more expensive ingredients. Let’s analyze how our quality-focused interpretation applies to kare-kare across the cities:


Kare-kare frequency:

– Los Angeles: 61

– San Diego: Not in top list

– San Francisco: 76

– Chicago: 42

– New York: 17

– Las Vegas: 43


Applying our interpretation:


1. Culinary Expertise: The high counts in San Francisco (76) and Los Angeles (61) suggest that restaurants in these cities have chefs who are particularly skilled at preparing kare-kare. This is significant given the dish’s complexity.


2. Ingredient Availability: The popularity in certain cities might indicate better access to quality ingredients, especially oxtail, which is crucial for authentic kare-kare.


3. Customer Appreciation: The willingness of customers to mention kare-kare frequently in reviews, despite its typically higher price point, suggests that when done well, it’s highly appreciated and considered worth the cost.


4. Restaurant Investment: Restaurants featuring kare-kare prominently (as suggested by high review mentions) are likely investing in quality ingredients and preparation time, indicating confidence in their execution of this challenging dish.


5. Regional Preferences: The variation across cities (e.g., high in San Francisco, not in the top list for San Diego) might reflect regional differences in Filipino population demographics or local culinary preferences for this more traditional, complex dish.


6. Price Point Considerations: In cities where kare-kare is frequently mentioned (like San Francisco and Los Angeles), there might be a customer base more willing to pay premium prices for authentic, well-prepared Filipino cuisine.


7. Specialization: Restaurants in cities with high kare-kare mentions might be specializing in more traditional or upscale Filipino cuisine, rather than focusing solely on more common or easier-to-prepare dishes.


8. Cultural Significance: The popularity of kare-kare, despite its complexity and cost, might indicate a strong Filipino community or a broader appreciation for authentic Filipino cuisine in certain cities.


9. Culinary Scene Maturity: Cities with higher kare-kare mentions might have a more mature Filipino food scene, where restaurants feel confident featuring more complex traditional dishes.


10. Customer Education: Frequent mentions could suggest that customers in these cities are more educated about Filipino cuisine and specifically seek out this dish, encouraging restaurants to maintain high standards in its preparation.


This analysis suggests that in cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles, you’re more likely to find restaurants that not only attempt kare-kare but execute it well enough to garner significant positive mentions. It also implies that these cities might offer a more authentic and diverse Filipino dining experience, catering to both connoisseurs of Filipino cuisine and adventurous eaters willing to try complex, traditional dishes.

Focusing on a Dish: Sisig

 Let’s analyze sisig through the same quality-focused lens. Sisig is an interesting dish to examine as it’s also somewhat complex to prepare well, typically made with parts of pig’s head and liver, and requires a specific texture and flavor balance to be considered excellent.


Sisig frequency:

– Los Angeles: 45

– San Diego: 33

– San Francisco: 73

– Chicago: 9

– New York: 47

– Las Vegas: 17


Applying our interpretation to sisig:


1. Culinary Expertise: The high count in San Francisco (73) suggests that restaurants there have particularly skilled chefs who excel at preparing sisig. This could indicate a concentration of culinary talent familiar with traditional Filipino cooking techniques.


2. Ingredient Availability: The popularity in certain cities might reflect better access to the specific pork parts needed for authentic sisig. This could be due to strong relationships with local butchers or a robust supply chain for Filipino ingredients.


3. Texture and Flavor Balance: Given that sisig’s appeal largely comes from its unique texture and flavor profile, high mentions likely indicate that restaurants in San Francisco, New York, and Los Angeles are consistently achieving the right balance.


4. Modern Interpretations: Some restaurants might be offering successful modern takes on sisig, which could explain its popularity in diverse food scenes like San Francisco and New York.


5. Customer Appreciation: The frequent mentions, especially in cities like San Francisco and New York, suggest that when done well, sisig is highly appreciated by diners who understand its complexity.


6. Regional Preferences: The variation across cities (e.g., high in San Francisco, low in Chicago) might reflect different regional tastes or varying degrees of familiarity with this dish among local diners.


7. Restaurant Specialization: Higher counts could indicate that some restaurants in these cities are specializing in or known for their sisig, making it a signature dish.


8. Culinary Trend: The popularity in trendsetting food cities like San Francisco and New York might suggest that sisig is gaining traction as a favored dish in the broader culinary scene, perhaps appealing to adventurous eaters beyond the Filipino community.


9. Preparation Methods: Variations in popularity might also reflect different preparation methods. For instance, some restaurants might be offering sizzling sisig (served on a hot plate), which could be more appealing to diners.


10. Cultural Authenticity: High mentions in certain cities could indicate a strong Filipino community that appreciates authentic preparations, encouraging restaurants to maintain traditional cooking methods.


11. Chef Creativity: The popularity in diverse food scenes might suggest that chefs are finding creative ways to present sisig, perhaps fusing it with local flavors or presenting it in innovative formats.


12. Dining Experience: Sisig is often enjoyed as a social dish, often with drinks. Its popularity could indicate that restaurants in cities like San Francisco and New York are successfully creating the right atmosphere for enjoying this dish.


This analysis suggests that cities like San Francisco, New York, and Los Angeles are likely to have restaurants that excel at preparing sisig, offering diners a chance to experience this dish at its best. The lower counts in some cities might indicate that excellent sisig is harder to find there, or that it hasn’t yet gained as much popularity among diners.